Protecting Public Infrastructure
Fences have been built since ancient times to protect personal possessions. Over time, the practice has been expanded to encompass security for public infrastructure and to protect public spaces. The barriers are utilized at public parks, swimming pools, schools and daycare facilities, and prisons.
Federal Regulations
The terrorist attacks on 9/11 resulted in federal regulations concerning installations and facilities that are considered high risk targets. Many sites are now required to be fenced. They include food production and water filtration plants, mass transportation hubs, and chemical facilities. Energy-industries such as power stations and oil-related facilities must also be fenced to protect vital infrastructures.
Chain link is the recommended choice for industries that fall under federal regulation. Available in multiple heights, it’s durable, can be installed quickly and is a cost-effective solution. Highly customizable, it can be equipped with barbed wire or razor wire for an additional level of security against unauthorized personnel. A chain link fence offers a low maintenance barrier for securing perimeters that eliminates hiding places due to its see-through construction.
Another benefit of chain link fencing is that it can be equipped with multiple types of gates, locking mechanisms and high-tech features, allowing facilities to closely monitor all people and vehicles that enter.
Beauty and Functionality
When aesthetic concerns need to complement functionality, aluminum fencing is typically preferred. It has the appeal of wrought iron, is highly durable, and an effective deterrent. The fencing can be established to direct foot traffic, prevent access to specific areas, and at entertainment venues such as sports parks and concerts. Aluminum offers elegance, along with multiple styles and colors.
Vinyl is a Viable Alternative
Also known as PVC fencing, vinyl is often chosen as an alternative for protecting public spaces. Available in multiple colors and styles, it can withstand 130 mph winds and is low maintenance. Its resistant to UV rays, insects and moisture. Vinyl/PVC fencing is an option that can provide protection for public infrastructures such as swimming pools and parks.